Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One is the first Star Wars spin-off film in out post-episode-seven world. It bridges the gap between episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith) and episode 4 (A New Hope), telling the story of how the rebellion gets its hands on the plans for the Death Star. The first thing to note is that the opening and music are both noticeably different and similar to the core films, helping cement the fact that this is a spin-off. The film has 3 distinct acts, each of which is focused on a different planet, though there are more than 3, the others bridging or being repeated through the acts. The first criticism of the film is that I spent a lot of the first act trying to decide which was less convincing - the lead actress, or a particular CG homunculus. 1 The overall Nazi imagery has subtly increased again - "They have a child, find it !" cries the villain. I greatly appreciate the addition to the Star Wars lore that the film provides - e.g. the Empire are mining Kyber crystals (whic