
Showing posts from June, 2008

The continuing adventures of a webmaster

I master teh webz, lol. Been messing around with the css, html and js again. "What have you done?" I hear you wail. Get out of my head right now. Anywho, I have now added an external links section to the sidebar, and made each section of the sidebar have a header (h2, to be precise.) Why? So now the "Blog archive" h2 looks like the others. Hurray for conformity within my code! I was also getting a lot of "font" css errors from firefox: though the pages would always validate, the web developer toolbar didnae like it (what, a firefox extension being stricter than the W3C?! Preposterous!) So, that's all fixed. I am now xhtml strict and css 2.1 uber-valid and have an external linky thing. THIS page, however, still doesn't validate, but none of the errors are mine - they're all blogger's annoying widgets (though, they may not realistically be any way to have a centralised blogging service without them.) The errors are quite interesting. Do you w


So, yesterday I got into papercraft a bit, I can't remember how, precisely. I think I was looking for homemade Half-Life plushies , and found headcrabs made of paper. Whatever happened, it developed from there, and I spend about 4 hours downloading almost 800 megs of patterns. Most of which are awesome. For example, I found one of Okami Ameratasu (which looks mighty difficult) I also, however, found the second best thing ever: MACROSS papercraft! The best thing ever is, of course, Macross papercraft of all the VFs (particularly the 19 and 21) in P, D and B modes, rather than just P. [edit] It's interesting to note how many referrals I'm getting from torrent sites and gothic forums (though, only to the timeline, but it's not like there's much else here) I no longer need (did I ever need...) to plug my site. Hurray?