
Showing posts from 2007

Merry day-after-boxing-day

Just finished the 3rd Resident Evil film. At least it was better than 2. I hope that they don't make another one. At least in this one it appears that they've played some of the games (basically, they've played a bit of Code Veronica, and seen some of 1. Also add in a teeny bit of 2 - finally a tyrant like in the games... though he talks... The entire curey thingy... Wesker being the CEO is kindof right. Almost.) Still, I hate the stupid stuff they come up with (i.e. giving AdaAshley ("Alice") psychic powers - WTF?! Yeah, zombies don't make sense if you think about it, but still...) Guitar Hero 3 completed on easy. Normal seems so ridiculously hard. Twilight Princess is awesome, but the twilight is a bit too harsh on the eyes in my opinion.


Best. Week. Ever. That was last month, though. Basically, I won a Wii, and a TV to play it on. Awesome. I've been mainly playing Gamecube games on it, because: 1) There are many awesome GC games I missed 2) Pre-owned Wii games are still ridiculously expensive, so I should wait until the prices go down. Anyway, just finished Wind Waker, which was quite good. The sailing was irritating, and where it fits in the storyline was also confusing (though, I'm now reading up on things, and apparently there are two parallel timelines in which the games take place, thus making things a lot more confusing... Though, actually, it does make sense. At the end of OoT I wondered "Why go back to the start if it's all going to happen again") People have been claiming that you kill Ganon at the end of it, but I must disagree. We've seen previously that he can survive having a magical sword buried in his head, and he turned to stone. I think he was just sealed away again.

ROFL! I honestly can't stop laughing at this.

Leeeerooooyyy Mmmmmmjennnkiiinnns

Well, what's new? Not much. Finally got my parchment, and thus was able to secure my place at Newcastle. I shall pass this course "like a Slor Beast passes her young: Jiggly! And full of juice…" (Zim) Been playing more Pokemon Diamond (it rocks so hard) even set up some trades with people... I haven't had any correspondance back since I've got what's needed on my end, and tried to arrange a time for the trade. Are they lazy or is there some error in sending the messages? Work's been a bit busy, especially since we're now cut down on staff (for various reasons) It's amazing how little time you have left even after just 4 hours in the middle of the day are removed. Been watching some Leroy Jenkins things (a la the title) and The Angry Videogame Nerd It's bizzare. He's not really funny, but he is so entertaining. Also, Bioshock demo. Played in on Jon's comp, because it doesn't work well on mine. I need Pixel shader 3, but I only have 2


Well, Harry Potter 7 arrived on Saturday... and I'm yet to actually open it. I've kind of got mixed feelings of excitment, dissappointment that the story will end, lack of excitment because I've been predicting the ending for over a year now, and general apathy because I still haven't finished .hack//Another Birth 3 yet. I know the books are easy, but I actually haven't opened that one for about a month. Other things have been occupying my time: Work, cleaning my room, catching up on TV, and Pokemon. Dear god I love those games. Also got Unbuntu running recently. Was a bit of a kerfuffle - I got a 30 Gb HDD from my brother, but when installing it I accidentally partially disconnected my DVD drive from the motherboard, resulting in slow start up, wasted hours, and lots of frustration. Nothing particularly exciting on that front. On another note, I recommend the next two sites: Tom Morton's beloved Website! Chore Wars :: Earning Experience Points for Housework The


Well, it's been a while, and quite a lot has happened. First of all, I graduated with a 2:2 (57.75% - so close to a 2:1) So know I get to put BA HONS Dunelm on the end of my name when doing academic things, or just wanting to be a bit of a ponce. Secondly, I have been accepted to do a Msc at Newcastle, conditional upon my showing them my transcript and parchment, both of which are in the post. As will the photos of the graduation (which will surely go on Facebook) I'm also currently in the process of cleaning my room, which involves organising it. This now means that my various projects are well organised, and it will be easier for me to work on them. My art style has changed a bit for a certain project, which therefore speeds up the process, whilst keeping everything "stylised" (it's not badly drawn, I swear!)

A creative waste of time

Here's what I've been doing for the past hour or so. I know the memes are basically dead, but hell, I wanted to do it, and test out the GIMP. [edit] Had to change the link. google seems to automatically convert all images into jpgs, thus removing the possibility of animations. After the exams I'll absolutely kill off the meme once and for all.


Well, my dissertation's comming along, albeit slowly. Since I don't work this week (except for friday) then I should be able to get it done very soon. I can't help but feel I have no material for the second half, though. GARGH! Had an intresting "argument" at the EG forums, which was fun, but a waste of time in the end.


The statcounter, though useful and intresting, is giving some strange results: 25 Mar 13:55:13 The blog: I'm in ur throat blocking ur healthorz So, someone came from this page, and went to a specific post, racking up a count. Fine, could be a dynamic IP or something - but that was the only count for that day, the only count within a 6 hour period (and I've set the counter so each hit within 6 hours counts. Less would miss the point, more apparently might break it.) How does that work? Apparently the guy's Swedish. Do they have some strange power to bypass time? Did he leave his/her computer on for a couple of days, then just clicked a link? Another came from is: 1 %28Brooklyn%29&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT&navbarType=BLUE I hope I haven't messed up any security by publishing that address. If I have, please inform me, and I will try to rectify


Insert yet more strange sounds. So, my counter stopped working. Fine, then. I've replaced it with one that I have made start at the same point (it was 63) and allows me to track all manner of intresting things, like how people reach this page. Thus, I will be able to insert tautology here.


Well, I still can't get the border thing on the other pages fixed, but at least I now have a consistant sidebar linky thing. Hurray! Now I only need to edit one file when I add a new page. If the sidebar is breaking, that means my other pages probably won't work... or your browser doesn't support javascript.


Wow, I seem to be getting a lot of hits, but no comments. Intresting. Or not. Presumably the latter, as otherwise there would be comments, wouldn't there? Oh well. Just taking a break from my metaphysics essay at the moment. It's about absolutism vs relationalism in terms of the exitence of space-time. Man, Newton was twisted. Afterwards I'll head to Patsy's party. Hopefully Guy'll be there, so I can sit and revel in his unique and witty manner of insulting me.


Well, this week's been fun. NIN on monday was ridiculously awesome. Trent played "We're in this together now" which is the second time it has ever been played live. I also got some cool stuff from FOPP - I cannot wait until more local branches open.

More html

Well, I've managed to get a template like this done that I can use on googlepages, almost. It just doesn't include the border on the title page, but I guess it's close enough. Also, because the footer formatting was messed up I've decided not to use one. I'll upload it and alter my links appropriatly in the morning.
Not much to say. Trying a different counter, now, as the other one was registering hits rather than unique hits.


Well, another day, another binge, and another html fiasco. As you can see, now, I've put a background image in (as long as googlepages doesn't go down) - it's the Carina Nebula, if you were wondering. I eventually managed to figure out how to make these boxes translucent, giving the page a pleasent effect. If it doesn't work, then your browser doesn't support aplha filtering, and you should switch to Firefox. I've also got my main googlepage to redirect to here, so that I don't need to do anything like upload an index.html and force all links to go there. Then using the sidebar for navigation. I'll replace the pages so that they look like this (including the links they need, perhaps resorting to a shtml method again) - which reminds me to add the counter, which I just did. Now I'm going to watch the original theatrical release of Return of the Jedi. It's not as good as Empire, but it's still good.