XAML is silly
Someone came into work today with a t-shirt saying:
ideas go here
I said it was HTML5, he said it was XAML, especially since it is a Microsoft shirt.
Now, he is technically correct, but I hate the term anyway. This may not be entirely correct, but this is how I see the situation:
Here's the thing, XAML means "Extensible Application Markup Language" - it's XML with an A inserted. What is it, though? How does it differ from XML?
From what I can tell, it doesn't.
XAML is just XML interpreted by a program in a particular way, it is a subset of XML. As a language, it doesn't differ or add anything to XML. The difference is in how the XML is interpreted by an external program.
ideas go here
I said it was HTML5, he said it was XAML, especially since it is a Microsoft shirt.
Now, he is technically correct, but I hate the term anyway. This may not be entirely correct, but this is how I see the situation:
Here's the thing, XAML means "Extensible Application Markup Language" - it's XML with an A inserted. What is it, though? How does it differ from XML?
From what I can tell, it doesn't.
XAML is just XML interpreted by a program in a particular way, it is a subset of XML. As a language, it doesn't differ or add anything to XML. The difference is in how the XML is interpreted by an external program.
As such, XAML doesn't deserve to be called a different language.
It's not like HTML - since HTML4, HTML has incorporated XML, becoming XHTML. But XHTML is visibly different to XML (as a major difference, HTML has attributes within the tag definition itself, but XML's "attributes" are sub-tags)
Just to re-iterate, I'm going to double check all of this, but as of right now, this is how it seems to me. XAML is not a language, it is an extension of Extensible Markup Language (XML), with no differences that can justify calling it a separate language.
The w3c have disbanded the XHTML working group and 1.1 remains unfinished. The future of the web is HTML again: not the XML-dialect XHTML, but a derivation of HTML4.
Who is driving it and what it's called are a complex story: read up on whatwg.
It's one specific use of XML. Basically they're different layers.